Thursday, March 15, 2012


I know it has been a while BUT I have had some very small internet cretonnes breaking into my blog and also my this works I am technically mystified...why they bother...about this I am too mystified...but it has caused some angst and as a result no blogging!! Meanwhile I have been busy with my home, which is in as much of a state of chaos as my blog...thankfully due to building work NOT cretonnes...and hopefully, like all chaos, out of it will come calm and ultimate Virgo while I have not been busy posting I have been manically living and storing up a whole heap of stuff to share when my technically competent son helps me to sort out the chaos left by the cretonnes...spelt in such a way as I suspect that they are French!

So watch this space and I will try and spend some time making it gorgeous with photos of the wonderful sunny days that have hit Champagne [20 deg due today!] indicating the Spring has sprung and we can all come out of doors and hit the year head on....our hibernation is over!
Here is a little of what we have been up to....Liliana has been busy!

So if you have happened upon this blog by accident my other blog with previous postings is


Have a browse....drop me a line if you enjoy reading the posts as is always nice to hear from those out there in the unknown land of the internet!

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