Monday, May 14, 2012

Bye to Sarkozy....France looks to Hollande!

Election time is over for another four years in France....After 17 years without a socialist party Francois Hollande is the new President! The spotlight shines off President Bling Nicolas Sarkozy who now goes back to the bar, spending more time with Carla and spending money on what he likes  whenever he likes without public scrutiny....

François Hollande Socialist Party (Parti socialiste) PS 10,272,705 28.63% 18,000,668 51.64%

Nicolas Sarkozy Union for a Popular Movement (Union pour un mouvement populaire) UMP 9,753,629 27.18% 16,860,685 48.36%

Marine Le Pen National Front (Front national) FN 6,421,426 17.90%

Jean-Luc Mélenchon Left Front (Front de gauche) FDG 3,984,822 11.10%

François Bayrou Democratic Movement (Mouvement démocrate) MoDem 3,275,122 9.13%

Eva Joly Europe Écologie–The Greens (Europe Écologie–Les Verts) EELV 828,345 2.31%

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan Arise the Republic (Debout la République) DLR 643,907 1.79%

Philippe Poutou New Anticapitalist Party (Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste) NPA 411,160 1.15%

Nathalie Arthaud Workers' Struggle (Lutte Ouvrière) LO 202,548 0.56%

Jacques Cheminade Solidarity and Progress (Solidarité et Progrès)

During the elections in France every village places specifically designed metal boards up outside the 'Mairie' onto which large posters of each potential Presidential candidate is stuck...

The portraits of the candidates are cheesy pics that become familiar images amongst the rural earthy tones during the period of the elections....after the first round of voting the failed candidates are cleaned off the boards and these are then packed away for another four years...this year we were left with the bland image of Francois Hollande and the chintzy image of Nicolas Sarkozy for two weeks till the next round of voting...

Now the elections are over and the more efficient villages, of which Oyes is one, have cleaned and packed away the metal and everyone moves on to looking forward to the makeshift signs advertising the villages Sunday Brocante, Petanque tournaments and Champagne degustations [tastings!].

As you drive around the area the less well served villages still have their metal framework out and the posters are now in various states of disrepair with an eye missing or the head left flapping in the wind...

Roll on  summer holidays and sunflowers in the feilds....the Elections are but something to be confined to history...France is moving on...lets hope that the people of Greece are soon to be allowed this level of closure....but that is a whole different story.....

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